Cinematic is the word most often used to describe Minneapolis based Coyote Kid (FKA Marah in the Mainsail). The sound is dark and mysterious at it’s core. With layers upon layers of dynamic turns, from the hopeful highs of “Femme Fatale” to the guttural darkness of “Prowler’. Between Durry’s true grit voice, and Cassandra's tender subtlety, you’ll find a vast array of narrative and stylistic possibilities. With imposing and wild jungle drums, soaring brass horns, growling bass, and shimmering spaghetti western guitars. This band has all of the tools it needs to paint an epic picture. Coyote Kid’s latest album “The Skeleton Man” is out now!
Vocals/Guitar - Austin Durry
Vocals/Bass - Cassandra Valentine
Drums - Austin Wilder
Trombone/Trumpet/Bass - John Baumgartner
Dive into all 3 album’s lyrics, story, music, and photos with the Marah Anthology.
RT @TCMdotnet: It's hard to say goodbye to a personal favorite. From the first impression way back in 2015 at Mill City Nights Ma…
This is so rad
Coyote Kid’s live show has been described as a "visceral" experience, where as their albums are more cerebral in nature. Wave after wave of exploding energy on stage, all following the narrative of the music as it flows seamlessly from song to song. Every song is crafted and placed precisely where it belongs, with an aggressive, wild and mysterious stage presence, crowd interactions that break the boundaries of the stage, and innovative and eclectic instrumentation. Coyote Kid live is the only way to truly experience the full expression of the band.
The Skeleton Man
Listen now to the post-apocalyptic fantasy/western epic “Skeleton Man”.
Coyote Kid
Coyote Kid
Coyote Kid
Coyote Kid
Coyote Kid